Friday, April 17, 2009

32 for 32

Knowing today would be a big day going to bed at one o'clock after the lighting of the memorial candle was probably not the best idea, knowing that I had to be up at 6 in the back of my head. Well needless to say I got up around 6:30, delivered some flowers till about 7:15 and ran over to Shultz for the 3.2 for 32 Memorial Run. All in all, what a cool event. Over 4,000 runners circling the drillfield all at the same time, we should do that every weekend.
After running the first run with Andrew we finished up in a solid 20 minutes and I had an hour and half to rest before the big chunk of the day. Come 10 o'clock, probably about 30 people showed up to do the 32 laps around the drill field and I can't say how much it helped me to keep going having some other people out there doing the same thing so thanks to those of you that came and participated! Not to mention meeting some new friends along the way Kirsten, Lauren and Ashley, you guys did a great job!
Completed about 10 laps and the parking services and police were really starting to wonder what I was doing. "How far have you run man?" "It's killing me just watching you" were among some of the comments. Well I finished 20 laps just before the noon ceremony so I stopped to watch that. Following the ceremony there was a picnic on the drillfield, something I did not take into consideration. On the next 12 laps, student afters student kept walking by with styrofoam containers full of pizza and i'd get a wiff here and there, my stomach was yelling at me. Well after about 29 laps my legs were feeling like jello and I had to walk a couple before hustling out the last one to finish in just about 4 hours. I'd have to say that the most touching part of the day however was when one of the students who had been wounded during April 16th approached me and said "thank you." I didn't even really know what to say I was just overwhelmed that I may have had even the slightest impact on him on a day like that.
Well after finishing 32 laps, I went and got my OWN styrofoam container full of pork BBQ, ate it and immediately fell asleep on my back on the drill field, to wake up to none other than a majorly sunburnt face and a wicked farmers tan. I did a little more running/walking throughout the day but did not finish the full 60 miles, we'll have to save that for another time. Also wanted to give a big shout out to Aynsley and Hayden, I really enjoyed my time with you all throughout the day!

Total on the day -

Miles = 34

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